Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Stand By Me

Book Review

Published by Avon

Wow, I so want to recommend this book to you.  It is fab.

I received this book through the post as a prize for retweeting a promotional tweet on Twitter.  I didn't know its genre or its author.  It is brilliant.  I don't usually like books that go backwards and forwards in time but this one was easy to follow and so enjoyable.  It contains many life issues that we can recognise and perhaps identify with.  There is a tense marriage and financial situation; depression and low self-esteem; addiction to alcohol; teenage sexuality and bullying problems; teacher/pupil relations; up-to-date issues concerning the use of internet and text messaging.  It is heart warming and heart breaking.

As I usually read contemporary fiction by female authors I was surprised to find S D Robertson is male, so a good change for me.  As I read the first chapters I was gripped by the tension and began to wonder if it was a physcological thriller.  But reading on I loved the boy/girl friendship which is normally the type found between two girls (in my experience) - it is so trusting, caring, open and honest.  I also loved the description of teenage awkwardness at a dance and the clumsiness of Elliot's first kiss followed by his self-berating of not getting it right.

Later Elliot is on a mission to repay Lisa for saving his life and gets entangled in Lisa's now dysfunctional family, he touches the heart and soul of her husband and adolescent children one by one.  His mission complete will have the reader wondering about true love, faith and hope.  To say any more would spoil the plot.  It is a thought provoking, gentle, kind read whilst encompassing agonising, confusing and unfathomable questions.  

A will be giving a 5 Star Review on Amazon and Good Reads.  

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Writers together.....

AUTHOR & BLOGGERS MEET UP - Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire

I attended the above gathering travelling by train and finding the venue just across the road from Stoke-on-Trent's Station.  What a delight to meet friends who regularly blog about books they have read and enjoyed, and authors who have books published.  Hearing how they decided to self publish, accept a contract from publishers in this country or abroad and sharing cards for keeping in contact was very informative and keeps me keen to continue on my path.

Putting names to faces I've connected with on social media (mainly Twitter) and getting to know where they are from etc will, I'm sure, make our tweets more meaningful.  I now have a list of more books I want to read!

The hotel room is ideal for the 35 or so visitors.  It is spacious enough to be able to sit in comfort or move around to socialise.  Drinks and food are available at reasonable prices.

It was great to see Kim Nash and hear about her book 'Amazing Grace' available as an e-book as from April this year; Noelle Holton alias Crime Book Junkie was also there.  Children's Author and novelist Misha M Herwin; Women's Contemporary Fiction writer Kiltie Jackson; Caroline England, Novelist plus Rachel Gilbey blog tour organiser, and other bloggers from near and far.  People came from the Lake District, Manchester, Staffordshire, West Midlands, Derbyshire, Leicestershire and some I didn't have time to meet and find out where they were from, but the chatting in the room was excited and positive giving a great vibe and buzz.

Thanks to Kerry Ann Parsons and Steph Lawrence for hosting the event.  Here are a few photos from the day. ...