Twenty plus years ago I nearly bought a bookshop in Wales but plans fell through and I let the dream die a death. Reading about Posy's inheritance had me champing for her to make a go of it despite the obstacles that present themselves in the process.
For anyone who loves reading books, is writing a book, or fantasies about owning a bookshop this is the book for you. You will be transported to a courtyard of shops, become a member of the family and circle of friends and like, or perhaps loathe, some of the characters.
The struggle between Happy Ever Afters and Murder fiction is played out between Posy and Sebastian, Lavina's grandson who inherited the courtyard shops. Whose side will you take, I wonder? Will romance win in the end or will Posy be driven away from her desires?
It's the perfect book to curl up on the sofa with now the darker nights are here.
Well done Annie Darling and Harper Collins Publishers.