Saturday, 22 June 2024

May/June Newsletter

Oscar the Owl has been quieter/less busy and another month has flown by, but here’s my writerly news.

I attend an evening monthly group in town – we call ourselves The Tap Writers as we meet in an award-winning pub called The Tap in Tamworth. They sell real ales and often host entertainment and other groups. We are a small group but share stories/poems and what’s on locally. A new writing group has been formed at the library steered by one of our members who works there. Huge congratulations to Caroline – we wish you well in this daytime venture. Wanda Pierpoint-Jones, who leads our group, also has a daytime group meeting at the Sacred Heart church, Glascote, as does Sean who offers a critiquing group, so writers have a choice of places, days and times to meet for support and encouragement here in Tamworth, Staffordshire.

Oscar the Owl had another stall at Kingsbury Methodist Church and Hoar Park craft fair. It’s so nice to be with others who sell their individual creations and see how tables are laid out to attract buyers. I had some good conversations with customers at Hoar Park and made a few contacts where Oscar the Owl would be of interest.

Oscar the Owl available from Amazon

The Society of Women Writers and Journalists (SWWJ) have an international zoom feedback group which I attend. People from Singapore, USA and Australia attend too, getting up at 5 am or staying up late to attend, what is for UK attenders a mid-morning date, making us appreciate their commitment. Liz in Singapore organises the zoom connection, receives emails of our work and keeps us on track when hearing each other’s work and giving feedback. I am always asked how Oscar the Owl is getting on and this time received a suggestion to make a leaflet showing more information about the book, which I am currently working on.

It was so lovely to have visitors from Gloucester to reconnect with us in Tamworth and reminisce our meetings in Cyprus. Showing Joyce and her son Kiran around Tamworth castle grounds, through the town centre and then for coffee and cake in Christopher’s Restaurant was my delight. I am proud of our town even though, like many towns, shops are closed down and renovations are taking place. Unfortunately too, plants were in progress of being replanted and there was scaffolding around the bandstand BUT through the eyes of visitors who have not been before it was all very interesting and appreciated. In Cyprus, Joyce led the Paphos Writers Group that I was involved in too. We published our group’s work in a booklet called ‘Write On’ and proceeds went toward the local hospital.

Oscar the Owl received an A.I. review on Amazon, which I have to admit reads well. Love the human ones better though!

Reviews are so very welcome, just a line or two helps others looking to buy a copy of my book make a decision. If you have an Amazon account do post a remark or two.

Thank you all for your support and wishing you all a lovely summer to come.