Clearing out the clutter....
Do you have an 'allsorts' drawer, a box of useful paperwork, or a cupboard of 'it'll be useful one day' items? Now is the time to DE-CLUTTER. Try being less laden with rubbish, making space for a NEW START, and with a clearer mind for this year's projects.
De-cluttering makes you feel lighter in your own home, and, as the saying goes: 'a change is as good as a rest'. One way to look at items is : 'have I used this in the last year'? 'If not, do I really need it?' This can be applied to the contents of wardrobes, sheds, kitchens, bathroom cupboards etc. and will bring about a space and tidiness that will lift your spirits.
It takes effort of course, but once started you can soon get carried away with minimising your paperwork, books, clothes, possessions etc. If you can't do it now, pen it in a diary or on the calendar as a day to have a go. You will be so happy with the results.
Tidy house, tidy mind - so the saying goes. Being untidy/dis-organised does seem to bring about confusion - where did I put my keys, where's that letter from the council, etc. You spend hours looking for something when you could have been relaxing, gardening or chatting on the 'phone.
Organising your 'stuff' needs organising too! First you need to look at what you need - can furniture be better placed, can drawers be utilised differently, do you need more shelves etc. I suggest that shoe boxes are very handy for storing 'stuff'. They are not too heavy when filled, they stack nicely, they can be labelled with what is inside. They prevent hoarding - once the box is filled with bills, bank statements etc. don't start another box until you have weeded out what is unnecessary to keep.
Big plastic storage boxes should only be used for light weight stuff like cushions, linen, a quilt, otherwise they are so heavy with books, photograph albums, hobby stuff, that lifting and storing becomes a problem. Two smaller boxes in place of one big box is easier to handle and store. Quilts, cushions, pillows could be stored in plastic bags that you can suck the air out with your vacuum cleaner. They get so much flatter for storage purposes.
Now ladies, and gents of course, when did you last clear out your underwear drawer? How grey are some of your knickers? Can't you treat yourself to new ones and throw away the broken elastic ones! We think, what the eye can't see wont hurt, but don't we deserve to look nice underneath as well as our outer clothing?
Hope I have got you thinking and you declutter even just your newspaper rack today. Happy Sorting!
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