Thursday, 12 February 2015

Magazine Subscription

What can you get for £1 today?  Not much, I hear you reply!  Well I have found something very valuable - 140 pages of fortnightly feel good factor reading.

YOURS magazine have an offer on at the moment - it normally costs £1.49 per fortnightly issue, or an exclusive price of £1.25 if purchased at Sainsbury's - but if you subscribe for a year by direct debit it only costs £1. 

It features chatting with 'our age' stars, age appropriate fashion and beauty products; nostalgia articles; leisure pursuits and places to visit; a short story, brain boosters and crafting ideas. 

Not a magazine reader?  I challenge you to a sit down with a cup of coffee/tea and half an hours reading of three or more Yours magazines and see if you don't get hooked.  I'll have plenty of copies to pass on/recycle soon so you can take up my challenge free!  

Getting into print

Turning '60' I dedicated this year to be my WRITE year.  I am totally focused, reading Writer's Magazine, seeking out competitions to enter and scanning all sorts of magazines for 'in-roads'.
My working life has come to an end and the professional magazines I have subscribed too for many a year are no longer popping through my letterbox.  The only 'woman's magazines' I would read are those you get in the dentists' surgery; occasional purchase with the weekly shopping if something catches my eye; or, as most often is the case, those that get passed onto me.
My cousin handed me two very full carrier bags of magazines last time we met up for coffee.  She had acquired them from someone else, so they were 3rd hand and I did not have the heart to put them out for recycling.  So I ploughed through them each morning with my hot drink to hand before getting out of bed.  I am soooooooooo glad I did. 
From these magazines I have cut out simple exercises to do; I have booked to go to London to a Woman's Weekly Fiction Writing workshop in March; I have written a piece for Secret Britain in the Yours magazine and have been 'pencilled in' for publication in April with a fee of £50; plus YOURS wanted my details to put on file for future reference with regards to my using the extensive counselling knowledge I have - ie coping with anxiety, negative thoughts, stress etc. 
I have to say I am well impressed with YOURS magazine as it has some extremely helpful articles aimed at possibly those of us who are over 50 years of age.  It's printed on paper that has a nice feel to it rather than the shiny thin stuff of other magazines, it is meatier - covering a wide variety of articles which have a very positive outlook, it's colourful, useful and has stuff we 'more mature' people can relate too. It is a fortnightly magazine and I am about to subscribe (see next blog).
The magazines have now, all but a few, been scattered amongst my friends for another recycling.  Who knows what helpful tips, enjoyable stories or crafting ideas they may be inspired by?