Isn't April the most amazing month. Everything springs into life. Buds on trees, yellow daffodils waving their trumpet heads at us along roads and from neighbours gardens. Colour at last after the grey days of winter. Spring has sprung.
Lambs are born and skip about in fields, signs of pink blossom and bluebell begin to appear. The sun shines and showers refresh the earth and makes the lushness of our green and pleasant land. Mowers begin to whirr again and people seem lighter in spirit.
The rain reminds us it's not yet summer as the temperature tries to stay in double figures, but the sun gives us an energy boost. Neighbours stand chatting in the street and the parks come alive with children playing outdoors again.
This morning I am up with the larks, or more precisely the blackbirds - there is one sitting on my garden wall wondering why I am typing on the computer at this hour reserved for birds to tweet and gather before the humans disturb the peace. He has sat there for sometime now, looking this way and that, his mate in the tree above. Have they had a disagreement? The chirping has stopped. Oh nice, he has just pooped all down my garden wall and he is looking at the white line it has made. Why is bird poo white?
Anyway, I digress. This is April, the first quarter of the year has come and it will soon be the merry month of May with two Bank Holidays to add in a bit of fun before the summer months. Holidays and barbeques will soon be here and everyone is perked up with the thought of a bit of warmth and carefree days of relaxation.
I hope your April is going well and you enjoy the small moments as well as the everyday hum drum of life.