I remember when .....
Monday was washing the clothes day, but today is Tuesday and my washing machine is on. What's to write about, you may ask? But as I loaded the whites into the drum I remembered days when I would stand on a stool and watch Mum's large washing machine swish the water around to make the soap suds foam. Then I'd help her feed the clothes through the attached mangle. Did she even rinse them? I think individually they went into cold water in the kitchen sink, then back through the mangle.
Then I remembered my early married years with a twin tub machine, it seemed like a luxury at the time. But again, just soap powder went into the tub.
THIS is today's experience:
Pods, not powder into the drum.Stuff for avoiding a build up of limescale in the machine.
Fabric softner.
Smell booster pellets.
Whitening sachet and after all is washed, rinsed, spun to an inch of dryness, there is disinfectant to kill any germs left in the machine! What a lot of 'stuff'.
No doubt some people use drying machine stuff too.
When did doing the weekly wash become so complicated? No wonder OH finds it mind-blowing - what goes where? Pods (1 or 2), whitener (1) and smelly pellets (measure a cap full) into the drum, Calgon and Comfort in the drawer (use caps to measure) in slot 1 & 2. Then when the cycle has finished, take clothes out and run a rinse with the detergent. Simple - not!
Then there's the cost: A box of washing powder to do 65 washes is £13.50. The above collectively cost approx. £32.00. Ok, the pods are supposed to do 33 washes and the fabric softener 83 washes. But even if the other items do 10 washes, its still more than 20p a wash that the one box of washing powder does!
Plus electricity and water costs of course. And what of all that packaging for recycling or disposal.
Give me back my twin tub and a packet of Omo!
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