Sunday 5 May 2024

Once in a Lifetime

Celebrating the 130th Anniversary of the Society of Women Writers and Journalists at THE HOUSE OF LORDS, Westminster, London at the invitation of Baroness Floella Benjamin, President.

Wow wow wow wow wow. What an experience, what a fantastic day/few days in the capital city.

It's been six years since I last went to London and I've never, in all my years, spent two nights there in a hotel. What an absolute treat! The train journey and underground navigation was not as stressful as I had anticipated, perhaps as it was midweek off-peak travel, but arriving at Waterloo station, finding a coffee shop and settling into NOX Waterloo hotel was all very civilised. 

We explored the area - Lower Marsh has Street Foods galore, a green space/park area where lots of people were enjoying their lunch in the long awaited for sunshine. I wasn't too keen on one of the occupants though 🕷!

An afternoon walk saw us on the embankment looking over to the Terraces of the House of Lords where we would be the following day, the joy was brief as we read some of the messages on the walls in memory of those who died during the Covid years.

Our evening meal saw us in La Barca Italian restaurant where the walls were adorned with photographs of famous actors, musicians etc. - we were just across the road from the Old Vic theatre.

And then The Day arrived. The First of May 2024. A day I will never forget. How privileged I felt to be part of SWWJ. We had a taxi to Black Rod's Entrance just before midday. Time for a selfie before going through security (much like at airports) then no photographs allowed. One designated person took pictures for the organisation but none will be for social media use, only for our Journal magazine. 

Floella started her speech with 'Welcome to my home' which gave us all a laugh or smile. She told us some facts about the two bridges across the Thames, the painting of her in the foyer and about her journey to England during the Windrush generation, the difficulties of early life here in the UK and how she has always forgiven unkind/hurtful comments/actions as she would not be a victim. 

 The Windrush statue, Waterloo Station

Floella's speech was captivating and she hardly looks any different from her 'Playschool' days on tv. She spoke of the importance of reading from early ages, how important books were to our mental health, our education and outlook on life. She quoted Aristotle's "Give me a child until he is 7...." saying 'we are a child for life'. Having not long published 'Oscar the Owl' and only two days before visited a local primary school to read it to four classes of primary school children and answer their questions, I felt like Floella was speaking directly to me. Her own book, written for under 7's, over 7's and for adults entitled 'Coming to England' is now a stage play and I hope to see that later in the year having read the story of her life. We, over 100 guests, heard how she met the Queen (Elizabeth) who had read her book and two days before her death arranged for Baroness Floella Benjamin to receive The Order of Merit of the Commonwealth. 

She also informed us that Queen Camilla has an independent charity, The Queen's Reading Room, which celebrates and promotes the power and benefits of reading, encouraging more people to find books to enrich their lives. 

We met some lovely people at the event both before and during the lunch. So special to see people I'd only met via Zoom meetings and to have good company at the table. The food was delicious and the service impeccable.

The whole programme was well timed and the MC was a marvellous chap who ushered us in off the Terrace, announcing the speakers and closing the celebrations with much humour and decorum.

All things come to an end as they must but three days later I am still on a high, slowly returning to my ordinary, yet sometimes extra-ordinary, life. Writing has taken on a big part of my life, it has been helped by organisations like SWWJ, SoA, Swanwick Writers Summer School and many other learning environments. Reading too has brought new friends, authors, artists, playwrights etc. I am proof that it's never too late to try something new, to follow your dreams, to reach for the stars and land on the moon. 

My next blog will be my latest newsletter. Do ask to be on my mailing list if you would like to follow my progress with Oscar the Owl 📗🦉

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