Wednesday, 9 January 2013


How do you take comfort?
There are many ways but not all are for our greater good. Some of the not so healthy choices are overindulging in: eating; drinking alcohol; taking drugs; gambling; sex; shopping; smoking etc.  These are all readily available, often necessary (especially eating!) and DO actually comfort us in the moment.  But sometimes the habit of taking comfort this way can lead to addictions whereby the need for them controls us, rather controlling the comfort giving pleasure ourselves.

So what other choices for taking comfort are there?  Some turn to religion for comfort and find a peace in faith practises - reading the bible, meditating, singing worship songs etc.  Others get a massage, have a spa day or stay at home in their onesie or casual clothes to relax reading or watching a film.

Hugs are good comforters if you are able to ask a good friend or your partner for one.  They are free.  Good physical contact with another gives us a boost of energy and self worth.  Getting out in nature does this too but we are not always able either to ask someone for a hug or take ourselves off for a walk in the woods or by a river.

So what about a Comfort Box - to be readily available as and when required.  What would be in yours?  This one holds a cuddly bear, a cosy hot water bottle, a face pack, foot spa gel, bubble bath, lavender oil, books to inspire and soothe, some favourite music on an i-player; a soft scarf, a wooden cross to hold with a prayer card, and, out of view: a fluffy pair of slippers and a cuddle blanket (snuggle rug).  All readily available at no cost, within easy reach and no danger of over-indulging.  The comfort each gives is instant and doesn't come with a government warning about being bad for your health!

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