Friday, 30 January 2015


It is ironic.  I have led a Writer's group for several years called Writer's Block and can honestly say I have never experienced Writer's block as I understood the meaning.  I can write for England.  I can write when I am 'up' and I can write when I am 'down'.  I can write in bed, at home, in the park, by the sea.  I can write anywhere, any time.

As you may know I have decreed 2015 as my big WRITE year.  So far I have sent pieces for competitions, booked myself on a Woman's Weekly Fiction writing workshop in London and a two week Writing Retreat in Skyros.  I have re-acquainted myself with my 27,000 words of a novel I started sometime ago.  And Wham!  Writer's Block hits.  So I press on with another competition piece then when it is complete and ready to send, Wham, there it is again.  That voice in my head that says 'stop, don't send it'; 'it's not good enough', 'you can't have that in print'.  Reasons back up my thoughts and they make sense, so I heed my own advice but then feel lost.  What do I do now?  Even blogging ideas were blocked.

Well, I have been reading things about writing; I have been reading a Man Booker Prizewinner story (I found FIVE 'and's in one sentence - surely this is a no no - but hey what do I know she won awards); I have been pondering what I should do about my novel.  I also watched a You Tube video recording of an author debating the use of 'first person' and 'third person' which was very useful to hear.

Last night I hardly slept.  I'm sure you have nights when something on your mind; something you or someone else said that day, goes round and round in your head whilst sleep evades you.  I used the tactics I suggest others try when insomnia becomes a problem, but to no avail.

A new title, a new way of writing the same thing came to me.  I wanted to leap out of bed at 3 am and start writing!  Such Joy.  So I am thrilled to say, my temporary lapse, hopefully is ended.  I will start afresh using some of what I have already written in a new way.  Hope it works!

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