kilter, or routine is where I have been. My daily and weekly exercise, my reading, writing, household chores even sometimes my meal planning and healthy eating. But, it is coming back. Thank goodness.
It happens from time to time. You take a holiday or someone has an illness that necessitates a break from 'normal' daily life. Sometimes we complain that our lives are boring, doing the same thing day by day, week by week, month by month. It is not until circumstances 'rock your boat' as it were, that we appreciate the calmness, peace and joy in the everyday living experiences.
We take for granted our morning cuppa in bed, that the postman will come (even if we only receive junk mail), that we will eat three times a day or more, and sleep in a comfortable bed, that we will have money in the bank and a roof over our heads. We moan about the weather - just this morning I heard "what a miserable day". It is a cold day, it is a sun-less day, a windy and threatening rain day, but my day is bright, hopeful and a sense of balance in my being is returning. It feels good, lighter and brighter.
Bad things happen, sad things happen, tragic, desperate, incomprehensible things happen. Earthquakes - people scrabbling about in concrete and dust rescuing a life here and there. War - gunfire, bombs, homeless people, starving people. Terrorism, murder, aeroplane crashes. It all comes into our awareness via the media. It may trouble us for a moment of thought, or tug on our heartstrings to donate aid money, but when these things happen to someone you know or in your neighbourhood, it shocks us to our core. It overshadows the good things of life and sends us off balance.
In times like these some people question 'what is life all about?' Others question whether there is a God and if so why does He allow these things to happen? Those who suffer with depression will not be able to see any good anywhere, and yet, at the same time as all of those terrible things, it is still a beautiful world.
A new baby girl is born today. The spring flowers are blooming bringing colour into our gardens and towns where there was greyness of winter just a week or two ago. Research for cancer treatment, dementia, stroke and all sorts of illnesses are beavering away in laboratories throughout the world. We just don't hear too much about this. People are getting married, people are celebrating a special birthday, someone just got a job or passed an exam. There is much happiness in the world too.
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