Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Clock Watching


Do you keep looking at a clock, your watch or time on your phone?  Do you wish it was Friday when its only Wednesday?  Do you countdown to your next holiday or Christmas wanting it for the break from your job or the daily grind of life?

It could be a sign of boredom, unhappiness, depression even.  Sheila Walker, the middle aged protagonist in my (as yet unpublished novel) is showing signs in her job that all is not well by clock watching.  Having worked as a PA in a family accountants for over a decade she is restless but tells herself and her friend Phoebe she is comfortable, knows her job well and is not looking to change it.  

Sometimes we believe our own lies and it holds us back from moving forward.  We get stuck in a rut of familiarity and go through the motions of routine as time slips by.  We say we don't like change and yet, sometimes, it can't be stopped.  Change is sometimes forced upon us as circumstances of others around us affect our lives.  

Sheila has a talent and passion which has been held at bay during her child rearing and working life but circumstances lead to an opportunity to fulfil a dream.  But first she needs to 'sort herself out.'  

I wonder what you do to make slight or drastic changes?  Perhaps rearrange the furniture at home or decorate a room.  Perhaps take up a new hobby or start taking an interest in gardening.  Perhaps you sell your house and move away from all that is familiar?  Perhaps you have been made redundant during this Pandemic and are job seeking?

Days tick by and each one has a new challenge.  Though we like to plan and know what we are doing it is inevitable that unexpected things will come our way.  New people to meet, new sights to see, a new routine to get used to.  Let's embrace each precious moment and be happy in all we experience. 

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