One way of clearing the clutter of your mind, where thousands of memories, hundreds of names and places, trillions of thoughts, stresses, feelings etc pass through, or take up residence over a life time, is to write a journal. The idea is to get it out of your mind on to paper and thereby be more peaceful.
You don't have to be good at writing. A journal can be done a number of ways to suit your needs. Here are some prompts -
- Write a daily account of what you have done, who you have interacted with, how you have felt etc. It can be short points like a diary or longer sentences as little or as much as you like.
- Choose a topic - the weather, a person, a possession, a feeling, a place, anything. Write how the weather affects your mood, how that person has affect on your life, how a childs toy sparked a memory, how hurt or angry you were after a meeting, how beautiful the countryside or town is. Topics are endless - a few sentences soon turn into a page or even two or more.
- Some people find logging their diet helps with finding out food allergies or trying to lose weight. Seeing in black and white what you have eaten rather than trying to remember every mouthful can be a reminder of how much or how little you have eaten, what triggers your allergies or IBS. Perhaps add a line or two about how you feel after certain foods - ie. full; wanting more; felt bloated; etc will show you where you are happy and where you are not. Seeing it written down will trigger other thoughts ie. 'perhaps I could substitute this for that' or 'wow I've done well today'.
- Journals can be a way to build self-confidence - writing down affirmations ie. I can do this, I'm brave, I'm strong, I'm gifted, kind, caring etc. One a day keeps negativity at bay.
- Journals can be a way of logging information about your hobby, places you visit (travel log), keeping notes, doodling/drawing, working things out. They can be lists or weighing up pros and cons of a decision.
Perhaps you have notebooks which you started and didn't keep up with? It doesn't matter how long a gap is since you last used a notebook in any of the above ways. There is a time for everything, and sometimes writing a journal for a short period of time can be just the ticket to get you through a difficult time or to log your joy at attaining a goal.
Treat yourself to a new notebook and pen soon. Give it a try and see if it helps.
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