Wednesday 2 October 2024

Book Review



Publisher: Dragonblade Publishing Inc.

ISBN: 9798328446402

Review (as requested by the Society of Women Writers and Journalists (@SWWJ) for their members magazine)

A captivating start encapsulating a mystery and re-kindled love. The innocence and chivalry of the era is charming.

Kitty has a chaperone, Miss Steele, as her father is trying to marry her off into wealth. Her mother is ill and her sweetheart has returned from war hiding from someone who wants him dead.

There are mysteries to unravel – one within Kitty’s family, and the other in her true love’s family. It has the reader guessing the plots and keeps you page-turning to see if your suspicions are correct.

Henry, H as Kitty likes to call him, and Kitty, hold onto thoughts and feelings which keep their relationship at bay but desire builds within them as chances to be alone together are few. They wrestle with their own inner voices questioning their integrity.  As their secret relationship deepens, so too does the plot.

A ball is the scene of lovely dresses and dignified dancing. Horses and coaches arrive and the evening reveals more of Henry’s Waterloo experience and the antagonists are declared. An unwanted pursuit of marriage scares dear Kitty.

Two evil characters loom large towards the final chapters and fears of an unhappy union appears likely. Leading up to the ending is a tense gallop. A race against time; an army of good chasing evil. Will Kitty be Lost or Found? Will Henry’s love conquer the dire situation they find themselves in?

I was enthralled all the way through, all the characters gave life to the tale. I would recommend Jenny’s book to those who relish period dramas.

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