Coming Home to God – Quiet Day 31.10.15
Booking a Quiet Day is hard when the voice in your head says ‘can I afford to take a whole day out in my busy life’, ‘who will be there, what if I don’t know anyone, I’m not sure where it is exactly….’ Your reward is in the stepping out in faith - ‘Come unto me all who are heavy laden and I shall give you rest’.
It is not like a holiday or a weekend away where excitement builds and baggage is necessary. Any ‘baggage’ we carry mentally melts away in the Hillcrest Centre where, just arriving enables you to sink into ‘space’, ‘time’ and ‘stillness’. You are greeted by white doves on the pathway and a rainbow of cushions on a long, soft sofa in the meeting room. There are other rooms to use – the cosy conservatory, a chapel, a small cottage lounge, an art room and the dining room. There are walks across fields or around the lake where benches and a summer house are strategically placed so that you can sit awhile, reflect and feel part of nature.
No sooner are brief introductions made than the Retreat Day leaders help participants enter into sacred space aided by lit candles, softly played music, a themed picture, bible reading and meditation. Words are sent straight to your soul – something of your situation is silently, secretly touched. You ‘come home to God’ where you are safe, where there are no more hurts, where tender care is and where you are precious. Your spirit stirs within you and you are there – in His Presence.
Outside autumn leaves have fallen and brighten up the sadness of the season with their colours – reds, yellows, browns and greens. Dew drops glisten on blades of grass; two ducks glide silently across the water; bulrushes and the reflection of trees appear upside down on the water; holly bushes bare their bright red berries. God whispers, “I am here”.
Hot drinks and biscuits warm me from my walk and again I sink into the stillness and peace of the main room. Such bliss! I am drawn into the picture of the shepherd rejoicing at finding his lost sheep. How special that lamb must feel on the shoulders of the One who carries him. We are so very unaware that God does this for us every day. When we take time to ‘draw near’ He reveals Himself to us in ways we miss on a daily basis. He is our Rescuer – how often do we give thanks? He is the One that leads us Home in this life and the next; He binds up the injured – how many illnesses have we overcome? He strengthens us for the next stage of life.
There are footprints in the picture and it makes me look back to the many times He has carried me and then set me down on a new path – He has placed me in flocks of people, both at home and abroad. ‘Home’ they say ‘is where the heart is’ but it is also a place of refuge, restoration, safety, comfort, healing; it is where you can be yourself, where feelings can flow, where nourishment and cleansing takes place. He has led me to many a Retreat House and Church; He has given me a spiritual home and connected me with likeminded people. How blessed I am.
A Home cooked, wholesome lunch served by lovely ladies who help Stella and Mark at their home enables the group to chat and get to know each other a little better over the kitchen tables. Afterwards, another meditation with an hour or so of silence to read, nap, walk, be creative with art materials or write in a journal. Time passes very quickly and we end the day with song and prayer.
Those doubts in our heads beforehand, long forgotten and hopefully dispelled by the time another Quiet Day is arranged. Thank you so very much, Pippa and Cathy.
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