Sunday, 27 December 2015


Do you believe in Angels?  I could tell you a tale of white feathers and how they 'come to me' just when I need them; or happenings that some would call 'co-incidences' but I call them 'God-incidents'; or I could tell you of actual people who act in angelic ways that fill my heart with joy.

The latter happened over Christmas.  Firstly, when faced with 'the day' and the thought that Christmas is for children and families, a photo of a boy holding some presents pings into my phone.  My heart leaps and my eyes are filled with tears.  That someone has thought of me and wanted to send a special message in a photo, someone who knows a deep grief both for herself and has heard mine, touched a sensitive place and then another funny photo followed to make me smile again.  Such a treasured moment of love, loss and more love.

A few days before Christmas another super surreal moment occurred via a private facebook message.  A fellow author I had met the previous year in another divinely orchestrated meeting, told me she had met another Sue who is an editor and proof reader.  She linked us together and we will be meeting in January in Birmingham.  A new networking group which helps those blogging, writing, getting into publishing etc.  I was amazed, thrilled and again my heart was touched. 

Christmas day was the third touch of a human angel - it was very ordinary and happened in most homes on the one day when families gather around a table eating until they can eat no more.  It was the treasure of family.  There was no feather but a little banter of absent loved ones and memories of old.  Being grateful for what we have and who we have in our lives now, in this moment came over me like a cloud of a lovely soft quilt wrapping itself around me for comfort, warmth and love.

I have so many angel friends and family, both in heaven and on earth, I feel overwhelmingly blessed.

I have posted a separate YouTube song which, when I posted it on FB brought another 'God-incident' finding out that a friend was also a fan of this singer and I may be able to go with her to a concert in Birmingham next year to see the singer.

I hope you had moments of joy over the Christmas period whether from presents received, visitors, food & drink, or sleeping, game playing, laughing and remembering loved ones with happy memories.


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