Monday, 28 December 2015

A look back at

As a new year approaches it's a time of looking back to what has been and looking forward to what is to come.

The first quarter of 2015 saw me winding down my self-employment business and pronouncing myself 'Retired' although I have a good few years yet before I receive a state pension and bus pass.  It was a milestone and a leap of faith into the unknown.  However, I had plans to write more, but best laid plans..... At first I felt bereft of a working life structure, of an income, and of a status.  With the help of lots of coffee in garden centres, Costa, Marks & Spencer's etc (don't we visit each others houses anymore?) I ambled away hours of freedom, caught up with friends and relatives that a work life doesn't always allow for, and generally pottered about trying to write as well. 

I attended a Women's Weekly Writing Fiction workshop in London, overcoming my fear of going up a very tall building in a lift, and enjoying being taught by Della Galton, Author.  I also attended two lovely separate Quiet Days at a nearby retreat house to attend to my spiritual nature.  I continued to attend Writer's Block and Craft Time groups, which now sees others leading in turn, rather than me leading each time.

I had lots of caravan days in the countryside of Derbyshire, a weekend away with 'the girls' in Bakewell and a holiday with hubby in Norfolk - a part of UK I had not previously visited.  It was really lovely.  And I had an adventure by taking myself to the beautiful island of Skyros for a Writer's holiday where I was taught by Dominique Roffey, Author, in daily classes.  It was a one off holiday of a lifetime and I met some fantastic people, some of whom still keep in touch from various corners of the world.  This holiday was the kick up the bum I needed to discipline myself to write more and I am happy to say that I have written a third of a novel, sent off my children's stories to 3 publishers, and even have a memoir in mind to write after the novel is complete.

I have enjoyed Twitter and Facebook and indeed formed some special friendships with other authors and in particular Kim Nash, Publicity Manager with Bookouture and her son Ollie.  What a treasure.

My daughter continues to inspire me in her clean eating and fitness regime and has turned into a kitchen goddess, whipping up a mean omelette for us, or providing our Christmas day meal at the drop of a hat.  Her business, Industry Barbers, continues to flourish and her Little Miss Sunshine classic VW car still sparkles at shows.

As always there have been down times too.  Many of my friends have had cancer - three with breast cancer; bone cancer, ovarian cancer, bladder cancer, throat pre-cancerous cells.  It has been heart-breaking and difficult to know how to help other than be there and listening.  Thankfully all are being or have been treated and recovering.  Another friend had a stroke and lost the power of speech and confident mobility.  Another friend lives with caring daily for Dementia struggles and had a house move which unsettled her husband; and another friend had a terrible tumble and needed stitches above her eye.  My hubby had Hives and we learnt all about an allergy to diary products and how to have a diet without it.  He loves his cheeses so over Christmas signs that he needs to take his intake of diary seriously again raised its head.  

No year is without its ups and downs. The see-saw of life tips from tragedy to excitement, from saddness to happiness and sometimes balances out in a brief time of routine and calm.

I continued to have exercise in the gym and gained my gold card which I now use to attend Aqua aerobics once a week too. 

I have been to the theatre a few times, to the cinema several times, on a coach trip to Bath and have read some lovely books by lovely authors.

I now feel ready to call myself an Author as I write regularly for the church magazine, this blog, a few thousand words or more each week of my novel etc.  2016 will see me attending Swanwick Writers Summer School in Derbyshire as well as a lovely holiday with friends touring Spain and Portugal.

Let's hope for a happy and healthy 2016, lots of love with family and friendships, and plans to come to fruition.

Happy end of the year.

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