There are some fabulous covers on novels and children's books that draw you to pick them up and perhaps read the synopsis on the back cover to see what they are about and whether they appeal to your 'type' of reading matter. It is only when I have read a book because I feel I 'should' that I am disappointed, not necessarily with the content but with myself for not enjoying it, learning from it or persevering to the end of it. I do, mostly, probably, judge a book by its cover. Please tell me I am not alone in this?
Or perhaps I read a book because I like the author, or of recent years, know the author. They are good reasons not to take much notice of the cover. Knowing the writer's style of writing or who the person writing the novel is, makes choosing a book to read so much easier when there are thousands out there to chose from.
Like a good film or television programme you enter the story and get lost in the characters and theme. I am a slow reader and like to savour the story, not wanting it to end. The protagonist has become my best friend and family member in my home. Picking a book off the shelf or downloading one onto a kindle often is the start of a journey. Company for the weeks ahead as you read, an imaginary world to enter, discover, feel, and love.
We all have our favourite genres: crime, love story, thriller, action packed, historical etc. But what happens when we reach the end? I have come to appreciate that the author likes feedback and Amazon have a quick and easy way to share your thoughts about the book you have just read. Just click on the 'review' and leave a few words of appreciation a) for the author and b) for other readers to judge whether this book might appeal to them also. There is always word of mouth reviews as we tell our friends about our latest book, or passing the book on to someone who likes the same sort of story as you do. I am finding there are many, many Book Bloggers out there that write extensively about books they have read, some read so quickly that it makes me feel quite dizzy.
I can only read one book at a time, at my pace and of my choice. I can't remember a time where I didn't read, I have been a library member all my life, had bookshelves full of paperbacks and study books and find parting with some of the most precious ones quite difficult. But now, in this digital age, I take a photo of the cover and pin it on Pinterest with a little reminder of the story. I write reviews to and for the author. I move onto the next book more easily.
Now, if you imply the saying to people rather than books, that is a whole new subject to blog about as I am sure I am not the only person to have fell into that trap!
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