- Am I really a writer?
- Have I left it too late in life to pursue this avenue?
- Am I setting myself up for yet another disappointment in life?
- Is the holiday a waste of money, time and effort?
"So what" if I am the oldest person on the Writer's Course? I am only 60, there is life still yet to be lived. Any disappointment would surely be from NOT having pursued this avenue; there is no shame in trying, no catching a fish without learning the tricks of the trade as it were.
As for the cost, time and effort - well, it is true I could have bought new lounge furnishings or even a second hand car. I could have left the money in the bank 'just in case of a rainy day', but I chose to invest in myself, in the belief that I could be a writer. The time and effort therefore come hand in hand with the cost. Nothing is free and nothing comes to me - I have to go out and get it. If, like the fisherman, I come back with an empty line - hooks, rod and net having been in the wrong place at the wrong time, I will move to another spot in pursue of the prize. Salmon fishing is an art and takes much practise, effort and money, as does becoming a writer.
I have already thought to go on another course not so far away next year. This is the beginning of a new direction and purpose of my life. Until I achieve my goal, admit defeat or life events change my circumstances I will be writing, writing, writing AND learning, learning, learning.
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