Monday, 4 January 2016

A New Year

365 blank pages.  Well, 366 as this is a leap year.  As with all blank pages its hard to know where to start.  What will I write? 

I write anything - lists of jobs to do, things to buy, etc.  I write emails, letters, personal journals, etc.  and then I am writing a novel and some children's story books.  It excites me, it is my passion and I wish I had pursued this avenue a long time ago, but its better late than never.

I read too.  I am a slow reader, I like to savour the story and even when I wonder how it will end I make it last, perhaps only reading a chapter or two at a time.

I don't make New Year Resolutions but I have decided to log all the books I read, the films I see, the theatres and other places of interest that I will visit.  Having Blogged about my Review of 2015 (scroll down to see that) I didn't feel it did the year justice.  A ten minute write up of a whole year!  Ok, so it was a summary, but so much more could have been written. 

What makes me want to share so much of my life with others?  Why do I want others to read my work?  At the time of writing I don't feel alone, I feel there are people out there who identify with my struggles and celebrate in my joys.  You dear reader, make life more interesting.  I love your feedback and comments.  I would write anyway, even if you didn't reply.  Writing is part of who I am and always has been.  Where some people paint or draw, sew, bake, garden, dance etc. my main 'hobby' is the written word.  Don't get me wrong I like pictures and nature too, I can sew and bake and plant things.  My dancing days are few and far between now but I once dreamed of being a ballerina like most little girls.

So I have filled a page of writing, of nonsense you may say, but it got my fingers going and I can return to the job in hand - writing the second third of my novel which I hope to have completed by May 2016 before I go on a tour of Portugal and Spain with hubby and friends.  I hope to have completed the novel by August and have the first edited draft in a publishers hands by the end of 2016.  If I set myself this goal maybe I will surprise myself and get it done well before these deadlines.

I really appreciate all the Tweets of encouragement on Twitter.  If you are not following me on Twitter please do @tweetsue13; or on Facebook - Sue Flint, Author.  Otherwise do leave a comment below, just so I know someone out there has read a Blog or two.  Many thanks.

May your year be all you hope for.  Wishing you good health, a peaceful heart and loving, happy relationships.

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