Tuesday 13 August 2019

Swanwick Writers Summer School 2019


Free Time Day - yay!  Although there are PLENTY of things to do if you want to keep going to courses etc.  it is also billed as 9.30 - 5 pm JUST WRITE!  So I am doing just that, catching up with myself, blogging, reading, browsing the book room, being a bit anti-social to prevent being 'all peopled out' as I called it when I worked in a similar environment in Lancaster.

A messy bed in my room at The Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick
I hope you are enjoying these blogs as I hope it will encourage other would-be writers and authors to give Swanwick some thought for another year because as one of the guests on the staged chat show last night said, "It's like coming home."  There is an atmosphere here that is hard to describe, its almost spiritual as we come together from all backgrounds and yet bond and interact without barriers of race, ability, education, gender etc.

I attended a one hour session before a salad lunch.  The Natural Storyteller workshop with Bridget Holding was full of correlations between the natural world of animals and nature and how we can use our in-built ways to enhance our writing.

I then sorted notes and papers into character piles and made a spreadsheet of the chapters, pages and scenes of what I have already written so that I can track where I am at a glance rather than re-read each time I start another chapter.

A break involved a car trip to Ripley just to get out and about.  I was looking for a park to sit in but actually went around the shops.  It is a small place and lots of bargain shops so I was able to get some plastic wallets and other bits to bring back to my room.  I can't believe how quickly the afternoon has gone and  walked around the lake and sat in the last of the warm sun before the evening gets cooler.


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