Wednesday, 24 December 2014

One to Ten

Anyone younger than myself may not remember the UK £1 note.  I have been reminded of it this Christmastide as I wonder what my teenage relatives would make of receiving just one pound for a present.  It seems like only yesterday that tucking one of these green notes inside a birthday or Christmas card was quite an acceptable gift.  Did I get older or the money reduce in value, or both, I wonder?  Not so long ago too, a five pound note was adequate, but now it seems that not much can be bought with a tenner either.  So for pensioners with lots of grandchildren, great nieces and nephews that could mean a small fortune.  At what age is it acceptable not to expect a monitory gift?  When one child reaches 18 or 21 there is another two or three behind or even new babies born, another generation. I guess the giver has to make harsh decisions as to when to stop.

In my work I have often used the scale of  'One to Ten' to measure how people are ie. on a scale of     1 - 10 how happy are you?; on a scale of 1-10, one being low and ten being high, how depressed are you?  Five, being the middle number, is often the reply but sometimes a 2, 3 or lower is offered.  "What would make you a 4 or a 6" I ask depending on the reply, and they answer whatever is missing from their life.  I have used the scale myself: when energy levels are lower than a 5, I know I need to rest and recharge my batteries; "in the grand scheme of things how important is this problem or that decision?"  Giving it a number helps to put it in perspective and perhaps motivate some action.

Things change, nothing stays the same forever.  All things come to pass, they don't come to stay.  So whatever is troubling you today will be a distant memory very soon, or it is something that you learn to accept and live with rather than resent or struggle with.

As one year ends another begins. We can't stop progress, time, change, years, monetary values but we can use our resources wisely, give generously and lovingly whilst we can and receive the joy which comes from doing so.  Christmas cheer, dear readers, may your festive season be joyful and may angels whisper in the wind for you to hear good news and strengthen your soul. 

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