Wednesday, 31 December 2014

A Scratch Card

Spend a £1, Win a £1.  Not much sense in that but we all dream of winning the lottery, don't we?
It's the big question we love to ask, "What would you do if you won the lottery?"  The answer is usually: buy a house, car, holiday, share it with family and friends, give some to charity.  But we all know money can't buy us health or happiness.

We take for granted our sight, speech, hearing, walking, bodily functions etc.   Moments of complete happiness are perhaps recorded on Facebook, in a photo album, written in a journal, shared on the 'phone or secretly stored in our memories.  There is no price of worth for these things.

As we turn into another year let us be mindful and caring to people who, for the coming year, life will be a trial through illness of themselves or of someone close to them.  When we raise our glasses and cheer 'Happy New Year' don't think 'out of sight out of mind' regarding troubles of family or friends.

Let us resolve to be encouragers, helpers, supporters of those who have not won the lottery of taken for granted life but who have randomly been afflicted with cancer, strokes, dementia, autism, miscarriage, sudden death syndrome, grief of any form.  Resolve to visit, write, give to the charities, do what you can when you can.  These New Year resolutions are more meaningful than 'I must diet, I must exercise more, I must stop smoking'.  We all know that resolutions soon get broken and old habits die hard.  Perhaps making a resolution that doesn't look inward, but looks outward may be more inspiring to both yourself and those around you.

I have had some wonderful highlights in 2014 but also great saddnesses for some very dear friends.  Life is a two sided coin, like the one I used to do the scratch card, there are highs and there are lows, that is the complete picture.  You can't have one without the other and no doubt 2015 will have ups and downs too.   If you are celebrating, stay safe, and if not Peace to You and yours........

Taken from Pinterest - you can follow me on this site too! 
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