Monday 27 October 2014


"Do you eat in response to hunger or feelings?" asks the magazine headline.  Managing our emotions is tricky to say the least and if they trigger our need to eat, or not eat, we are in trouble.  Life is full of hurts, disappointments, unfulfilled hopes, fears, joys, boring times, tragic times and, no matter what the sort of day we have, we need to eat to fuel our fire/keep us going.

Planning ahead has become a new regime for me on this 60 day challenge.  If I slip and do not plan, I eat whatever is available and make less healthy choices.  That is ok occasionally but I need to keep bringing myself back to what I know is best for me.  It is that act of 'getting back on track' that is an act of self-discipline.  I am not hard on myself for having slipped off the rails but notice where I am at emotionally and feed accordingly.  For example, when ill the desire for food vanishes.  Then slowly as I begin to feel better I need something warm and comforting - chicken soup or tinned rice pudding does it for me.  Perhaps one slice of toast gets the body back to the rhythm of eating/nourishing.  A warm cup of drinking chocolate and a plain biscuit is another 'tester' to see if the body is ready to cope again with food after the illness.  Then it is time to return to routine and think ahead "what will I have today/this week?"

Emotions happen every day but if we have a plan and know what we are going to eat, have the foods in stock and make time to enjoy the preparation and eating we can actually override negative feelings and, in that case, make ourselves feel a little better in doing so.

The store cupboard may be our own friend or enemy.  Do you keep a stash of chocolate, crisps, biscuits, cakes, pizzas and ready meals or do you have plenty of tins of your favourite soup, rice pudding, tins of fruit, fresh fruit, crackers, rice cakes etc.  If you don't stock things that are your weakness then when low ebbs come you can't easily access them and you will ride the negative emotion out with other foods or other comforters.

So managing our food cupboards may be easier than trying to manage our emotions.  Who or what is in control of your food journey?  Is your eating dis - ordered/chaotic?  Introducing ORDER - a plan, new routine/regime, new habits and a new relationship with food will bring about the change you desire.  If we do anything long enough, keep going when its tough, it becomes a new way of being.

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