It's not fair! It is simply just NOT fair! Why do some people diet and achieve their goal, whilst others find it so damn difficult? What would it be like if I actually loved food that it became an obsession, a habit, an addiction that I just couldn't break, a comforter in a comfortless world? I don't know do I? Because I am not that person. I can sympathise, empathasise to a degree but it is just not in my life's experience so I can only watch, listen, imagine what it is like.
I have been known to cry with and for people in this situation. I have had sleepless nights wondering how I can help, how I can stop their pain, their torment and struggle. I can't. I can only accept them as they don't accept themselves or, as they expect others not to. I can love them like they have not experienced before - unconditionally. I can encourage them, support them, praise them, be their friend but at the end of the day they will persevere, give up or continue to yo-yo diet. They will loose weight and regain it. When tough times come they will eat in excess and not just that they will make irrational choices. They will then eat some more to punish themselves, then they will be mad and sad and eat some more.
I do understand this vicious cycle. I do wish I could take it away and dump it in the river but it's not mine to do that with. Each of us have our own food journey, there is only one person who can change this cycle for another one.
Slimming groups, diets, healthy eating plans just don't cut mustard for someone who has had a life time of them. Cook books, self help books, counselling - they have tried it all. It is just NOT fair that they want something that seems beyond their reach. Medical research is not coming up with answers either.
Obesity is the 'in' word but its meaning is the same as other words that describe someone who is not lean. They are labels with negative vibes attached. We try to accept the way we are built and some are happy to be curvaceous, stocky, well built, size zero, or have a childlike figure.
It's not fair that we are not a uniform acceptable to all size and shape but then life isn't fair is it? Not at all. Starving on one side of the world and living in luxury on the other. War and Peace, Poverty and Plenty, Rich and Poor, Domestic Abuse and born with a silver spoon, Loved and Hated, Big families, small families, good relations, bad relations. It is unfair when people are murdered, robbed, have their homes, jobs or families taken from them. It is is unfair that good people die young, that cancer, heart disease, diabetes, autism etc is randomly affecting lives and loved ones. Whatever our situation of life, their is always someone better off and someone worse off than ourselves.
Ok Paddy over. I just needed to RANT. I will now face the day with a more positive outlook. I have put things in perspective and can bring back the part of me that is an eternal optimist. I will journey on with my own joys and troubles sharing them with good friends who understand the 'human condition' and making the most of what I have and who I am, ever hopeful of inspiring others as others have inspired me. (The radio is playing a song called 'Lucky to be me' - how appropriate. We can all say that if we take a moment to count our blessings).
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