Thursday, 25 September 2014

Mountain Tops and Valleys

Life never seems to run smoothly, or if it does slip into routine I crave for some excitement.  I have complained "we never do anything" when that statement is totally untrue!  I have had a run of 'doing' things and I am now wishing to be at home doing nothing much at all.  The washing and ironing have piled up, house and garden work neglected and routine meal times are hard to maintain.  Planning and grocery shopping become difficult and before long the 'highs' of 'doing' tire me out, stop me in my tracks and if I am not careful, become 'lows' of  'just being'.  And so the circle of life goes on - ups and downs with a few intermittent level plains.

Add into the pot of life the turning of summer (my favourite season) into autumn with winter looming to send an instant shiver down my spine.  Coats, hats, scarves, gloves, dark mornings/evenings and disagreements about having the central heating on will soon be here again. 

I know I am spoilt and privileged - I see the news of people living displaced and fearful in tents and squalor, but even so mood swings happen.

Living one day at a time, enjoying the mountain top moments, the stability of home comforts and riding through the lows is the only way.  Tomorrow may be better or worse, we do not know what is around the next corner.  Today is enough, it is ok.  It is manageable, do-able.  Seize the day - Carpe diem.

A 90 year old friend awakes and realises each day she is still alive; she gets up and as she says "keeps putting one foot in front of the other, that's all you can do".  Another 98 year old hardly knows she is in and of this world yet she too wakes up each day and breathes on.  Mostly we don't choose our end date, it chooses us.  The choice we do have is how to be in our heads whilst we still have our marbles.

The power of positive thinking is a way to make us happier and lead a full life encompassing the highs and lows each day can bring.  Having a project, a goal, something to look forward to, or a hobby to engage our time in all help our mood and personal development.

It will soon be 'staying in' days so I am making the most of going out days - like a squirrel gathering nuts for the winter, I have had a full and interesting summer.  Lots of good memories to keep me going through to next spring.

1 comment:

  1. When you both retire, consider snowbirding to walmer places. It cheers winter up!!
