Thursday, 4 September 2014

sh** happens

Welcome to the over 60's club my friends cheerfully say.  'Officially old' my head says!  What no-one tells you is that 'sh** happens' when you're sixty as well as any other time of life!
The NHS want me to do a poo test.  Well I am certainly pooping for England at the moment.  Getting rid of the crappy tension the last week has brought or because of my increased intake of fruit and vegetables I am not sure.
Life is crap sometimes.  It's very unfair. Its random, its unjustified, it stinks. But at such times I remember that life is a two sided coin, heads and tails.  Sunshine and rain, salt and pepper, wet and dry.  Food, wealth, or our upbringing makes no difference to this fact.  You can hold on to the rubbish and make yourself ill, or let it go and go with the flow of life's rollercoaster.
Toilet habits do change with dieting.  What goes in must come out - but does it?  Where do the toxins of hurts, disappointments, criticisms, put downs, abuse go? In one ear and out the other? Not in my experience.  They whirr around in our heads and hearts.  Some, interestingly cause some of us to have food allergies.  Our tummies reject certain foods,  our skins comes out in a rash or pains various parts of our bodies.  There are many concerns about additives to food products these days too.
I have a few intolerances but mainly pork.  I gave up on this meat many years ago as eating it gave me instant diarrhoea.  I can live easily without pork.  It can be difficult at friends houses ie. Ham sandwiches, sausage rolls, cooked breakfast.  I have turkey rashers for bacon at home but still love the smell of real bacon.  Chocolate has a similar affect on my system, although delayed until the following day if I have indulged in more than 3 or 4 squares/pieces of chocolate.  Useful to moderate my intake now as I have been a chocoholic most of my life.
I have to watch my eating of mushrooms (fungi), Marmite (another lifetime love) and bread because of the yeast in my tum.  It seems to stick and bloat and grind!  Plenty of natural yoghurt or Acidophilous tablets clear out my tubes and I can 'start again' in eliminating them from my diet.  What a nuisance!
Food choice is difficult.  My every morning 'grab a breakfast' has been for many a year a bowl of cereal.  Now I have to stop and think about what I am 'allowed', what I have in and how much time I have to do it etc.  A very foreign process for me as I am not a spring chicken in the mornings.
Oh just realised the word for horses poo is 'Man u are.....' ! People put it on their rhubarb but I prefer custard!  To think in my childhood it was scooped up off the road to fertilise crops and roses! Man you are crazy!
OK the paperwork is done for today.

1 comment:

  1. No one tells you of the fun things you have to do when you turn 60 like sending off poo samples and getting health checks oh the joys of this season in our life
