"How's it going?" people want to know.
"Ok," is the short reply, a bit like we say 'fine' when asked how we are, but the challenge I have set myself wasn't meant to be easy.
The first week was hard, no so much as changing eating habits, but the 'head' stuff that went on begging me to give up at the first hurdle was the biggest challenge. However, I pushed on through the negative chatterings. This week has gone easier, even a little bit of enjoyment and pride crept in as I planned meals three days at a time and tried a few new recipes/dishes. I was pleased with my efforts, but at the moment it is still just that, an effort. And those chatterings tell me I wont keep it up! So I have to prove them wrong - hard work.
Today is exercise day. Every Friday I go to the leisure centre - my gym and swim day - only for the last few weeks it became 'squashed'/a rushed swim only. So, to get back on track today I will don my pedalpusher gym wear and trainers and head for the treadmill, bike and rowing machine. They have made very little difference to my size for as long as I have been going and I know I should be doing sit ups or 'the plank' but getting down on the floor and up again is so undignified at my ripe age.
Last month a woman 10 years my senior was 'on the mat' doing an exercise she said was good for the tum, so I joined her and copied her exercise. I had back pain for 10 days afterwards! So I am keeping away from the floor. Perhaps I'll ask the personal trainer on duty what they recommend for an older person to undertake to rid the midrift bulge. "But," my head says, "how will they know, they're all of 12 years old with a figure that hardly needs working at." And so I probably wont ask!
At least at the gym I will be able to do what all dieters do and that is get on the scales. This too is a head ache - if I've lost weight how will that be when I've been the same weight for as long as I can remember? If I haven't lost weight will I be disappointed? And God forbid if I have put weight on, I'll probably be throwing in the towel! Thankfully the home scales are in need of a new battery so I have avoided this task so far. Until today.......
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